Git Cheat Sheet for Developers

Git Cheat Sheet for Developers


3 min read

Git is a distributed version control system that allows developers to track changes, collaborate on projects, and manage source code efficiently. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, having a cheat sheet handy can be immensely helpful. In this article, we'll explore a comprehensive Git cheat sheet that covers all the essential commands and workflows.


-Set up your name

git config --global "Your Name"

-Set up your email

git config --global ""

-Configure default text editor

git config --global core.editor "editor_name"

Repository Creation

-Initialize a new repository

git init

-Clone an existing repository

git clone <repository_url>

-Initialize a new repository with a README

git init <directory_name> --initial-branch=<branch_name>

-Clone a repository to a specific directory

git clone <repository_url> <directory_name>

Cloning Repositories

-Clone a repository

git clone <repository_url>

-Clone a repository to a specific directory

git clone <repository_url> <directory_name>

Basic Workflow

-Check repository status

git status

-Stage changes for commit

git add <file_name> # Or use "." to stage all changes

-Unstage changes

git restore --staged <file_name>

-Commit changes

git commit -m "Commit message"

-Amend the last commit

git commit --amend

-Push changes to remote repository

git push origin <branch_name>

-Pull changes from remote repository

git pull origin <branch_name>

-Fetch changes from remote repository

git fetch origin

Branching and Merging

-Create a new branch

git branch <branch_name>

-Switch to a branch

git checkout <branch_name>

-Create and switch to a new branch

git checkout -b <branch_name>

-List all branches

git branch

-Delete a branch

git branch -d <branch_name>

-Merge branches

git merge <branch_name>

-Resolve merge conflicts: Open conflicted files, manually resolve conflicts, and commit changes.

Remote Repositories

-Add a remote repository

git remote add <remote_name> <remote_url>

-List remote repositories

git remote -v

-Remove a remote repository

git remote remove <remote_name>

Collaborative Workflows

-Push a branch to a remote repository

git push origin <branch_name>

-Create a pull request (PR) on GitHub/Bitbucket

-Review and merge PR on GitHub/Bitbucket

Stashing Changes

-Stash changes

git stash

-List stashed changes

git stash list

-Apply stashed changes

git stash apply <stash_id>

-Clear all stashed changes

git stash clear

Inspecting and Comparing

-View commit history

git log

-View file changes

git diff

-View changes between commits

git diff <commit_hash1> <commit_hash2>

-View branches' commit history

git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all

Undoing Changes

-Undo the last commit, keeping changes

git reset HEAD~1

-Discard changes in a file

git checkout -- <file_name>

-Revert a commit

git revert <commit_hash>


-Create a .gitignore file

touch .gitignore

-Specify files and directories to ignore in the .gitignore file

-Use patterns and wildcards to match files/directories

This comprehensive Git cheat sheet provides an overview of essential commands and workflows for developers. By familiarizing yourself with these commands, you'll be able to effectively manage your source code, collaborate with team members, and track changes in your projects.